Research progress on the regulation of gut microbiota and anti-obesity effect of tea polyphenols
【摘要】 茶是世界上最受欢迎的饮料之一,其含有丰富的茶多酚,近来,茶多酚对肠道菌群的调节作用引起了学术界的关注。肥胖可以导致心血管疾病、糖尿病、癌症等慢性疾病,因此抗肥胖物质的研究与开发也是当下的研究热点之一,茶多酚的抗肥胖作用也是其中的重要领域。本综述总结了茶多酚、肠道菌群以及肥胖三者的作用关系,并对近5年相关的非临床以及临床研究进行了总结分析。总结发现茶多酚可以调节肠道菌群组成,而肠道菌群也可以影响茶多酚的吸收与代谢。茶多酚可以通过增加益生菌的丰度以及调节能量消耗、营养物质消化吸收、脂质分解代谢和抑制脂肪细胞合成等方式发挥抗肥胖作用。目前对于茶多酚调节肠道菌群和抗肥胖作用的研究以动物模型为主,且大多实验结果证实了茶多酚的肠道菌群调节作用及抗肥胖作用,但是作用剂量尚不明确,且茶多酚剂量毒性研究不足。另外该领域临床研究不足,需要在未来进行更大样本量和更长时间的研究,以实现茶渣等副产物的高价值利用并减少肥胖相关疾病。
【Abstract】 Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It is rich in tea polyphenols. Recently,the regulation effect of tea polyphenols on gut microbiota has attracted academic attention. Obesity can cause chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease,diabetes,and cancer. Therefore,the research and development of anti-obesity substances is also one of the current research hotspots,and the anti-obesity effect of tea polyphenols is also an important field. This review summarized the relationship between tea polyphenols,gut microbiota and obesity,and analyzed related non-clinical and clinical studies in the past 5 years. It was found that tea polyphenols can regulate the composition of gut microbiota,and gut microbiota can also affect the absorption and metabolism of tea polyphenols. Tea polyphenols can play an anti-obesity role by increasing the abundance of probiotics and regulating energy consumption,nutrient digestion and absorption,lipid catabolism and inhibition of adipocyte synthesis.Moreover,current research on the role of tea polyphenols in regulating gut microbiota and anti-obesity is mainly based on animal models,and most of the experimental results had confirmed the intestinal gut microbiota and anti-obesity effect of tea polyphenols,but the dose is not clear,and the research on the dose toxicity of tea polyphenols is insufficient. In addition,clinical research in this field is insufficient,and research with larger sample size and longer time is required in the future. In order to achieve high-value utilization of by-products such as tea residue and reduce obesity-related diseases.
- 【文献出处】 食品安全质量检测学报 ,Journal of Food Safety & Quality , 编辑部邮箱 ,2023年02期
- 【分类号】TS201.4
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】1198